
Hello! I believe that as a therapist, I bring so much more than professional experience and qualifications to my work. I bring life experience, personal successes and failures and my ability to connect. I want you to leave this page with a good “feel” for all of that.

Professionally, I began my career in the early 90’s as a medical social worker in the Baltimore area, after getting my undergraduate degree in Social Work from the University of Maryland. After re-locating to North Carolina  and completing my Masters Degree in Professional Counseling in 2003, I worked as a Director of Clinical Programs for a domestic violence agency in Alamance County. In this role, I developed clinical programs, ran support groups for victims and their children, raised money for programs through grant writing and event planning and also supervised the operation of an emergency shelter.  In 2006, I left the non-profit world to begin my clinical career. I worked as a therapist for a community mental health agency in Durham until 2009, providing mental health services and performing diagnostic assessments for adults, children and families. My career in private practice – which was always the dream – began in 2009. I worked for four years in a large group practice in Cary, NC before opening another group practice in Cary with three colleagues in 2013. My final career move, opening a solo practice, finally happened in 2019, with the opening of Amy Kline Counseling. I am thrilled to continue to provide quality therapy services for adults and older teens in Cary and for the surrounding areas.

Personally, I have a wide range of life experiences that have inspired and shaped my beliefs, goals and ultimately, who I am as a therapist.  I have always tried to view struggles as opportunities for growth and failures as instructive. I like to believe that everyone who sees me as a client will benefit not only from my training and professional successes, but also from my painful life experiences. I make self-awareness and self-care a priority every day, and I focus on the importance of this in my work with clients. On a more personal note, I am the proud mother of four adult children who have taught me more than they will ever understand. After single parenting them for three years when they were very young, the five of us got our “happily ever after” fifteen years ago when I met and married my husband/their stepfather, Mark, a psychology professor. While I will always see my children as my greatest accomplishment, having a successful second marriage is a close second place. Now empty nesters, Mark and I are enjoying the freedom that this stage of life brings. We can be found somewhere on Jordan Lake in our kayaks, in any good pizza place or traveling between four cities visiting our children.  

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